Friday, May 22: Trader Joe's & Trade Your Clothes PARTY NIGHT
-We'll be having dancing plus potluck finger food from the new Trader Joe's in Redding (located off of Hilltop in the Kohl's parking lot. Drop in and see what goodies they have!).
-Also along the Trader Joe's theme, you might wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt.
-Plus your chance to purchase dance and folk/costume clothing donated by Lila. Other donations of dance or folk clothing are welcome for this mini-fundraiser. Money raised will help to cover our regular expenses such as music, rent, computer and audio stuff, etc.
Saturday, May 30: Floor Cleaning (Update: This event is postponed to a later date--stay posted)
-The dance hall floor is getting sticky! We'll meet on Saturday morning to clean it up. With a team effort, this should be a quick task. BYOM (Bring Your Own Mop).
Friday, June 26: End of the Season/Start of Summer PARTY NIGHT
-This is our end of the dance season, start of the summer party.
-Wear red and white (traditional colors for summer solstice in Scandinavia)
-Bring your favorite summer-time snack to share
-Live music and special dances, plus regular requests