Welcome to Redding International Folk Dancers

We are a recreational international folk dance group in Redding, California.


We dance Fridays from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the Redding Arts Project (formerly the Redding Ballet Academie), 1726 Market Street, across from the Cascade Theatre. Cost is $5.

All Fridays September through June (with occasional holiday cancellations)

Each evening is a combination of teaching, review, and open request dances. You'll hear a wide range of diverse music. Folk dance is great exercise and just plain fun. Our dances come from all around the world.

If you're interested in coming...Stop by, drop in for just a while or for the whole evening. We tend to start the evening with easier dances and work in intermediate to advanced dances as the night goes on.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. We recommend shoes that stay securely on your feet (no flip flops!) and with a smooth or light tread (so you can pivot or slide a bit). Bring water.

All dancers are welcome: beginners, experienced folk dancers, guests, visitors....anyone who enjoys dancing. No partner required.

Updates on the schedule and special events are listed below. Most recent announcements are at the top.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Autumn Goodies

Regular Friday night dancing is scheduled through the fall. But here are a couple of special events:

  • Friday, September 25 Dance and Food. Last May we very much enjoyed sharing treats from the newly opened Trader Joe's. Their snacks are still delicious, so we'll do a repeat on that. If you wish, grab a snack from Trader Joe's on your way to dancing and we'll have a little feast.
  • Friday, October 30 Halloween Party. More details TBA but plans so far include: wear a costume & bring food-stuffs to be dipped into a chocolate fountain (such as fruit, cookies, pretzels, or who knows what you might come up with!)