Regular folk dancing on Friday nights continues through the end of June.
Join us for two more contra dances before the summer break!
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 30
Saturday, June 27
$8 admission adults/ $4 students
Location: Palo Cedro IOOF/Rebekah Hall - Off of Hwy 44 22551 Silverlode Lane
Wear shoes comfy for dancing. And, though we'll have bottled water for sale, you're welcome to bring your own hydration! Snacks will be shared as potluck (simple finger foods).
Wear shoes comfy for dancing. And, though we'll have bottled water for sale, you're welcome to bring your own hydration! Snacks will be shared as potluck (simple finger foods).
Live music. All dances taught/called.
Singles, couples, beginners, experienced dancers...all are welcome!
And just what is contra dance?! Here's a great description:
Contra dance is a folk dance from New England. It originally
traveled to American shores from the Old World, where it began life as a
hybridization of 17th century English country dances and French court
dances. Thus contra dance looks like the sort of ballroom dance that you
might know from Jane Austen movies: couples are arranged in long
paired lines that run the length of the ballroom, and they interact with
adjacent couples through a series of movements like do-si-dos, swings
and chains that serve to pass couples up and down the line, all as a
“caller” calls out instructions and a live band plays merry folk tunes.
The relative formality of the dance sequences are balanced by an
almost total lack of rules in terms of style and footwork. And when it
comes to swinging — which is essentially twirling in a circle with your
dance partner, fairytale-style — all bets are off around how the two of
you will manage to stay upright, except that you’ll figure it out. (Bonnie Chan/Oakland Local)