For international folk dance on Friday nights. . .
Although we ALWAYS welcome new dancers, we're making a special event in February for first-timers. From 7:00-8:00 p.m. each Friday in February, we'll have a program especially geared toward new dancers, but also interesting for our regulars (lots of easy NEW dances will be taught!). From 8:00 to 10:00 we'll have intermediate/advanced programming, which new dancers are welcome to stay for, knowing that the pace may pick up a bit.
If you haven't folk danced before, or are just starting out, this is a great opportunity to get started with a little extra support. First time dancers are free ($3 regular price).
If you're one of our regular dancers, please invite a few new people to join us for this special event.
As always, no partners needed, no experience needed. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Bring water bottle. And we'll see you on the dance floor!